Designing your website is a process that we'll guide you through from beginning to end:

    • First we need to understand what you do, how you do it, what you want to accomplish with your web site, and the type of image you want to project.
    • If you don't already have a domain (internet) name, we'll help you select an appropriate one and register it for you.
    • Once we've talked about your expectations, we'll draft an outline of your Web Site that will provide a guide for composing your content.
    • Then we'll assemble items that you may already have like logos, graphics, photos, or artwork . If necessary, we can assist you with scanning or digital photography.
    • Now we're ready to do a Web Site draft for you to review so that additions and modifications can be made.
    • When your Web Site meets your approval, we will add meta tags to each page allowing your site to be found by Internet search engines, upload your Web Site to an Internet server, establish e-mail service bearing your Web Site name, and register your Web Site with the ten most commonly used search engines.
    • If you wish, we will provide periodic reports to you concerning the number and types of visitors to your Web Site. We will also be pleased to do updates, make changes to your Site and do other maintenance that you desire in order to keep your Site current.

We will be pleased to discuss updating and maintaining Web Sites that have been created by others.